How Your Organisation Could Support a Well-Meaning and Innovative Program

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Across the country, major corporations do their best to become good citizens. Executives search for opportunities to help charities and other well-meaning organisations, diverting some of their revenues to a worthy cause. Yet it's not always easy to find the best and most appealing opportunities, and these executives are often left to scratch their heads instead. If you find yourself in this situation and are looking to make some donations to an innovative organisation, why not consider a creative idea that involves animals and dogs? 

The Challenge of Reading Disability

Some children may struggle with reading disabilities and find it particularly hard to make any progress as they may also be shy, anxious or withdrawn. They may try to read out loud in front of their peers, but even the smallest mistake may draw muffled laughter or stony silence instead. Little wonder that these students tend to withdraw even more and may lose confidence altogether. In the worst case, they may even avoid reading altogether, which is a particularly sad development.

Dogs Helping Kids to Read

Thankfully, enterprising people have come up with an innovative solution. In this case, they've eliminated the people from the equation altogether and inserted dogs in their place. These dogs are carefully picked for their comforting qualities and their ability to sit in one place and listen. Then, they'll pair a dog up with a child and let them read from their favourite book instead. The dog will simply sit there attentively and lovingly, which will prompt the child to become even more engaged in their pastime.

Great Results Expected

The end result is that children who take part in this type of activity make greater strides than those who do not and can actually become less anxious. They just read their story out loud to their attentive four-legged friend, with the occasional scratch behind the ears or rub of the head to thank their listener.

How to Get Involved

Still, these programs require a certain budget, and organisations are looking for help to select and train the dogs and handle all the administration. As such, it makes a perfect opportunity for executives who are looking for corporate donation opportunities in the field. If you feel that this matches up with your goals and objectives and would love to sponsor a dog to help a youngster with learning difficulties, get in touch with the charity directly.

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About Me

How Adult Education Helped Me My name is Eric and I would like to invite you to read my blog. This blog is about how I advanced my career by taking part in an adult education course. I was invited to take part in the course as part of my professional development. I was a little bit anxious about the course because I hadn't studied since I was in high school. As it turns out, I didn't need to worry about a thing. The tutor was really cool and I learnt a great deal. I also got a promotion at work once I qualified. I hope you like my blog.

